Wildfire Collective is the combined creative force of Stories of Urban Life, Bead + Fiber, & Human Integrated Healing. Owned and led by three Boston based women, Wildfire emerged, like a Phoenix Rising, from the ashes of a bruised and confused post-pandemic world to spark new life in the minds, bodies, and spirits of lost souls craving connection, creativity, and holistic healing through community. Designing both online and offline experiences that tap into our ancient understanding of what it means to be human, Wildfire acknowledges that as social beings, living a meaningful life is a collective act, inviting us to embrace all six senses and energetically align with vitality. Through explorations of light/dark, breadth/depth, seasonal suns, midnight moons, and spinning stars, Wildfire exists to clear the dead debris from obscuring your path, paving the way for new growth, perspective, and purpose.

Every act of creation is first an act of destruction.” -Pablo Picasso

“Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack, a crack in everything - that’s how the light gets in.” -Leonard Cohen, Anthem

“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” -Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist



A 7-week course, using the seven chakras as a roadmap to guide mind, body, and spirit towards an enlivened life. An online sensory experience, igniting your inner fire with food, fun, art, ritual, story, and human connection.

You will receive a hand-crafted and curated box, containing everything you’ll need to thrive throughout the experience. Each week you’ll unwrap the next bundle of surprise to guide you on a delightful and soulful journey towards transformation.Throughout the course you will be adding to a special chakra keepsake to remind you daily of lessons learned.

Engage in community around meaningful activities like a cacao ceremony, collage art, mythical storytelling, Tarot archetypes & Human Design, and our delightful un-talented show.



Week 1: Get Grounded 

About the Root Chakra

Personalized Tarot Reading

Basic Human Design Chart

Understanding Your Stone Story

Start Your Keepsake Project

Box Surprises!

Week 2: Express Your Creativity

About the Sacral Chakra

Expressive Movement

Food Pleasure

Total Renewal

Collage Art

Creative Surprises!

Week 3: Cultivate Courage

About the Solar Plexus Chakra 

Burning Release Ritual 

Up in Smoke Incense 

Mirror Mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?

Week 4: Connect to Love

About the Heart Chakra

Healing through Poem & Song

Cacao Circle

Sensory Surprises!

Week 5: Share Your Story

About the Throat Chakra

The Magic of Myth

Storytelling Circle

Week 6: Play in Community 

About the Third Eye Chakra

Expressing Identity

Childlike Surprises!

Week 7: Re-Discover A Wonder-full World

About the Crown Chakra

Coming Full Circle

Return A Re-imagined Rock to Mother Nature

Finish your Keepsake

Closing Ceremony




Heidi Arni | SOUL

From the time she was dexterous enough to climb the 100 year old fir tree in her backyard, where she wrote stories in a DIY treehouse, Heidi knew she would grow-up to become a creative explorer, and began preparing her exit strategy to travel the world, because, "If you can dream it, you can do it."  -Walt Disney

After earning a degree in Performance Theater, Heidi went on to work for film festivals, arts centers, and boutique travel businesses, designing, directing, and producing a variety of events and experiences across three countries, five states, and nine cities for organizations like Sundance Institute, National Geographic Immersive Experiences, Queensland Performing Arts Center and SoWa Art + Design District. Before leaving Australia, Heidi launched the first iteration of SOUL (Stories of Urban Life), on a mission to reconnect curious adults with the magic, joy, and wonder of creative expression and imagination. Today, Heidi calls Boston, Massachusetts home, where she integrates her love of myth, mysticism and archetypal wisdom into Wildfire Collective experiences.


Larissa Callahan Saade is a 31 year-old artisan and entrepreneur from north of Boston. She received her BFA in Fashion Design from Syracuse University and has worked in sales for over 10 years.  Currently, she is the proprietor of a small retail/maker-space in the South End of Boston called Bead+Fiber. Her love for handmade crafts has opened a whole new realm of possibilities for her creative gifts as well as her spiritual side. The Wildfire workshops will be an opportunity for her to overcome generational traumas as well as tapping deeper into her creative magic to assist others on their healing path. 



When asked the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up,” one of the answers you would get from Alexis would be “Veterinarian, Doctor, or Therapist,” while it was not always the same answer, it was always a career in helping others heal. Once she graduated college with a degree in Neuropsychology, she spent time as a CASA volunteer for abused and neglected children, and worked as an applied behavioral therapist. During that time, she realized that she had not done enough personal healing in her own traumas to hold space for others, so she pivoted her career and received her Masters in Biomedical Engineering.

Upon graduation, she worked for a Neuroimaging company, where she regularly used a qEEG device to perform brainscans, and trained practitioners who were using unique protocols to improve brain health and study the mind-body connection. During that time, Alexis pursued her own certifications in Brainspotting, Reiki, and Herbalism, and began truly healing herself. Her career then led her to work for a surgical robotics company, while continuing to explore other healing modalities and delve deeper into spirituality. In her career in medical device she came to realize that expensive equipment and drugs cannot provide the same relief as the deep lasting healing that only comes from within. Alexis now blends the tools she has gained to help others find the healing power within themselves at Human Integrated Healing, and infuses her teachings into the Wildfire Collective experiences.